Questions Frequently Asked About Mommy Makeover

Mommy makeover in St. LouisMommy makeover is the term for a suite of body contouring surgeries that address changes to a woman’s body that can appear after pregnancy. Mommy makeover is highly customized, tailored to each woman’s needs and expectations, and also greatly dependent on a plastic surgeon’s skill to achieve optimal results.

Because so many key decisions are made by the patient, it is important to collect as much information as you can before the surgery. Below, experienced St. Louis plastic surgeon C.B. Boswell answers some of the questions you may have when deciding if mommy makeover is right for you.

What are my choices for mommy makeover surgery?

Available procedures include liposuction, to target specific areas of stubborn fat; abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck, to repair the abdominal wall and pare away excess folds of skin; breast lift, to restore the natural profile and firmness to breasts; and sometimes breast implants to compensate for lost volume.

How soon after childbirth can I undergo mommy makeover?

The first step in choosing a mommy makeover procedure is to allow your body time to bounce back after pregnancy. Dr. Boswell recommends waiting at least six months after childbirth to see how much of the weight and shape of pregnancy was temporary, and how much might need a surgical solution. This also allows time for the skin, muscle and uterus to regain their typical size and shape. 

Can I have more children after mommy makeover?

With a few exceptions, it is recommended that women wait until after their final pregnancy before undergoing tummy tuck, a procedure that is central to mommy makeover. Pregnancy can undo the results of an earlier tummy tuck or other mommy makeover procedure. With a new pregnancy, the muscles that were repaired can separate once again, and the tightened skin can loosen.

Will mommy makeover erase stretch marks?

If your stretch marks are located in the lower abdomen, they will disappear when the skin is surgically removed during tummy tuck. Stretch marks on the mid-portion of the abdomen can be improved but not entirely eliminated. Stretch marks on the upper abdomen usually remain but they are shifted to a lower position on the abdomen.

Will I have scarring?

Tummy tuck performed as part of mommy makeover requires an incision in the lower abdomen, so scars are unavoidable. Dr. Boswell is careful to make the incision in the least noticeable area, usually on the bikini line. If scarring is a concern, a mini tummy tuck or liposuction can be considered, if appropriate.

To learn more about mommy makeover or to schedule an appointment, call or email BodyAesthetic Plastic Surgery & Skincare Center today.